When you have a complaint about Target Internet Ltd, your first point of contact should be our Customer Service Team. You can contact them on 03456521773 or support @targetinternet.net. If you don’t feel they’ve resolved the issue, take your complaint to the Head of Service Delivery by emailing jason @targetinternet.net.
If you’d rather post us your complaint, the address is:
Managing Director
Target Internet Ltd
Suite 207 Wellington House
90-92 Butt Road
Our next steps
We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of receiving it. We’ll then look into the issue and aim to respond within 5 working days. If it requires a longer investigation, we’ll get in touch within those 5 working days to let you know when you can expect us to respond.
Where a complaint is in relation to a service supplied to Target Internet by a third party we will let you know as this may take longer to process. We will keep you informed of their response and any steps they have taken to resolve this for you.If we don’t hear from you again within 20 days of our response, we’ll consider the matter resolved. We keep all complaints on file to help us monitor the number and types of complaints we receive and, where needed, we make changes to our systems and services in response to your feedback.
Taking your complaint further
You might feel that the response you received from our Head of Service Delivery didn’t resolve your complaint, in which case you should escalate your complaint.
When making an escalated complaint, please include full details of your complaint, including the reasons why you aren’t happy with how we’ve dealt with it so far. Escalated complaints will be managed by the most relevant person within the Senior Leadership team. All complaints should be made in writing to the address following Email Address complaints @targetinternet.net, They should include the following information:
- Your name and contact details.
- The domain name(s) concerned (if appropriate)
- A clear description of your concern or complaint
- What steps you would like us to take to resolve the issue
Please remember to write ‘Complaint’ clearly in the subject line . We’ll acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days, and come back to you with our final response within 5 working days. If we think it will take longer than this to look into it properly, we’ll get in touch within these 5 working days to let you know when you’ll get our final response.
Our commitment to our staff
We’re dedicated to providing our customers with the best service possible, but we’re also committed to providing our staff with a safe and appropriate working environment. Our people have the right to be treated with respect and courtesy. We will not accept instances of verbal, written or physical harassment or abuse of our staff.
If our staff are subjected to unacceptable actions or communications, we reserve the right to restrict or refuse access to our services (e.g. we may ask you to only correspond with us in writing or via a specific contact).
Have a suggestion or comment, rather than a complaint?
We always welcome feedback on any aspect of our policy, procedures or services – it helps us to see where we could do things differently. Please send any comments or suggestions to feedback @targetinternet.net. These will be passed on to the department or project team as soon as possible.